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Meet Stephani


Entrepreneur, Author, Wife, Mom, Artist, Minister, and Motivational Speaker

I'm Stephani Sturgis, and I've been pushing to follow God's Vision for my life since I got saved at 20 years old. Well, after I was given the honor of being a Wife of 15+ years to an Entrepreneur & Associate Pastor, the Mom of 4 and bonus Mom of 1, and of being a Church Minister, that task of carrying out MY assignment has been kicking my butt.  The struggles that a Wife and Mom face to meet personal goals are only understood by other Wives and Moms. It's hard ya'll! I get it!


When you have to change 8- 12 stinky diapers per baby, go grocery shopping THEN cook 3 times for a bunch picky eaters, then clean up after them jokers, wash/dry/put away everyone's dirty laundry, sweep, mop, vacuum, scrub sinks & toilets, remember to pay bills on time, go to work, run a finance report for hubby, run kids to soccer practice, and be on time and ready to minister for mid-week service... ALL IN ONE DAY?!!!... then insert chasing YOUR dreams in there...nah, can't be done! That's what I thought, but I was wrong! 


This description above is the every-days of my life for the last 12 years. Throughout those times I helped my husband build his business, read tons of books on business and faith, took several online courses, got ordained as a Minister, started an Administrative Consulting Agency providing services for multiple businesses, and my family didn't fall apart! I kept accomplishing small goals here and there to build me up in my Vision and spaced them out in a way that wouldn't have ME falling apart.


My husband and I partner on all of our business ventures; some of which he heads, and some of which I head. (We're a force together!) Together we now run a Non-Profit Organization Called Lost Now Found, and we own and and operate Legacy Barber College, Basilio Barbershop & Supply, Vision Runners Publishing, VR & GPS Academy, G&S Beauty Supply, and we manage Restore World Tour with 8 amazing artists. We also have other various projects, partnerships and investments that we take part in. 


I went from Martha, running around like a chicken with its head cut off, stressing my self out and everyone around me out trying to get all this stuff done that I gotta do, to Mary. With all of this that we've got going on, I was able to consistently sit at the feet of Jesus, to allow Him to direct me and guide my steps. I'm alot more chill, at peace, and centered now, and can see clearly what is really most important, and know not just what I'm supposed to, but how I'm supposed to move.  Now, I'm on my journey of walking those things out. But guess what, part of my journey is helping you with yours! Boom! I hope that's why you're reading this right now, because you know that God has a plan for you and you need some support in getting your passion back.


Join me, follow me on every avenue I'm on.... subscribe to this website, enroll in my Masterclasses, join my bookclub, like me on FB and find me on IG. Let's walk this thing out and slay away at God's purpose for our lives, together.

Use what God gave you and believe in yourself!

Stephani Sturgis

Enroll in this Life-Changing Masterclass!
Let's Get It All the Way Together, Together!
Most women know what it's like for dreams to die a little at the entrance of adulthood, Wife-life, or Motherhood. I have a message from Heaven, plus a divine strategy on ...
Getting It Together - 6 Week Masterclass
Started Oct 14, 2021
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